Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas, Winter Break Photo Dump

Christmas Break has been extended two days (at least) with this snow storm and subzero temperatures, perfect time to get updated. Christmas season was hectic and fun, didn't get any pics of Laura and Fred's wedding b/c they are on Bon's phone but will upload those later. Sam has been a blast, still speed crawling and butt scooting over walking but he is getting there. I'll try and write a few captions for more updates.

Vocab- Ball, doggy and daddy (still synonyms), ball, nana (banana), why (water), ball, nose and ear (usually synonyms, mommy is getting better, ball, Ruby, bye, and ball. Has been giving some pretty hearty high fives lately too


Yoga pose!

Indoor snowballs were a big hit at the Neilson Christmas

A hat that actually fits that noggin!

Lots of Neilsons in for the wedding

One of his favorite spots in the house

Worked on headfakes for a while, he gives away his shot every time by throwing his head back

Clark Christmas

Sam digesting Killer Angels. We had just watched the Charlie Brown special where the kids have to read War and Peace over Christmas Break so we figured we would start a trend now to prepare

All I want for Christmas...
Daddy baby pose


Laura and Fred's rehearsal dinner broke into a snowball fight

Front row seats for the play

Cousin chaos!

Laney sending us serious hints to get on

I counted 6 points and 3 assists (all to Grandpa) 

Watching Sound of Music

Watching his favorite show

Doing his Gollum walk